To make sure we make our products and services better by solving the right problems in the right way, we have collaborated with MDU in Västerås, Sweden, since 2017. This has led to the following research publications, in some cases resulting in one or more new features in EMG.
- 2018: Round-Trip Time Anomaly Detection.
- 2020: A Lightweight Architecture Analysis of a Monolithic Messaging Gateway. This paper motivated the inclusion of HTTP based plugins in EMG.
- 2020: Superlinear and Bandwidth Friendly Geo-replication for Store-And-Forward Systems. This work won the Best Paper Award at the ICSOFT conference where it was presented.
- 2022: Resilient Conflict-free Replicated Data Types without Atomic Broadcast. This is how we will replicate user credits between EMG servers.
- 2022: GeoRep – Resilient Storage for Wide Area Networks. An extended version of the “Superlinear” paper above.
- 2022: Improving the Efficiency and Reliability of Text Messaging Gateways. Daniel Brahneborg’s PhD thesis, based on these papers.